Check it to Pancakes: Season 2, Episode 34 -Week 29: Manning signs with Denver

In this week’s episode, Greg and Laura bring you up-to-date on the latest Colts news, including the signing of S Tom Zbikowski, C Samson Satele, and OL Mike McGlynn. In the 2nd segment, they are joined by 1260 WNDE’s Derek Schultz to discuss Peyton Manning signing with the Broncos, his legacy with Colts fans, how the sides got to this point, and how Andrew Luck’s rookie season will go. In the 3rd segment, Greg and Laura discuss Laura’s military career, as well as the 3rd round of the 2012 draft as CitP’s 7 in 7 coverage continues.

Finally, the show ends with listener calls and a lively Aftershow.

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